Taikyoku kata

Taikyoku can be interpreted to mean "First Cause" or "Basic Ultimate" to denote its basic yet essential nature. Tai means "big" or "great", kyoku means "extreme" or "ultimate". Therefore, the kata can be translated as “Big Ultimate. Common translation is "first cause" or "first technique".

Taikyoku are not official JKA Kata, but have their advantages as a beginner kata because you can start kata training early and concentrate on this without making it too complicated with different techniques. All kata in the series have the same simple ambush, movement pattern, but use different blocks and strikes. Within JKA Sweden, Taikyoku Shodan is graded kata to 9 kyu - red belt. Other Taikyoku are not trained at all.

Taikyoku kata consist of Taikyoku Shodan, Taikyoku Nidan, Taikyoku Sandan and Taikyoku Yondan.

Taikyoku Shodan

Taikyoku Nidan

Taikyoku Sandan

Taikyoku Yondan

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